Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Am

I am a person from many places. I am east coast born with west coast blood, my mother grew up in Inglewood in an interracial family while my father grew up in Massachusetts. They met in the marines and around the time I was born moved into a house on the same dead end my dad was raised on. I grew up there until around fifth grade when I was suddenly transported to this amazing place surrounded by ocean, something I only used to see on incredibly special occasions. Talk about culture shock, it was a really life changing experience. I went from knowing everyone on my street since literally before I was born, to knowing nobody and being engulfed in a place that was drastically different from what I was used to. I went to school in three different towns, none of which I lived in but all closely knit together. Growing up I was the most shy person I knew, terrified of everything down to show and tell, but I believe being around so many different people and places pulled me out of that shell and created a pretty well rounded person. As young as I am I feel like I've already experienced so much, met so many people, and I absolutely cannot wait to expand that to the Santa Cruz area. 
     I'm not a musician, but ever since the first time I saw a band live I knew that music would always be a part of my life. That feeling means more to me than anything else, not just the music, but the atmosphere, the adrenaline. There's no place I feel more at home than in a room full of people, excitement thick in the air. Music has touched my heart like nothing else and I know that's why I belong in California. I'm hoping that being a communications major will help me find a way to let it other people love it as much as I do. It doesn't have to be about sex, drugs, and rock and roll, its about the fact that during that moment nothing matters. All that matters is the connection you feel to the words and the people around you. Ill never forget the pulse in my heart the first time I saw my favorite band, thinking about it can still bring tears to my eyes. The vibration in your feet helps you float above it all, and I know that's why I'm alive on this earth today. Music saved me and can do the same for others, that I am absolutely sure of.
     Some gifts I believe I bring to the classroom is my overwhelmingly positive attitude, my motivation, and my eagerness to meet new people and to learn. I'm very passionate about what I do and I refuse to stray from my dreams. I love to work with people because I feel like everyone has something wonderful to bring to the table. I'm willing to do anything it takes to get the most out of my classes at Cabrillo I'm really looking forward to getting started.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is so awesome to read about how much you have grown and come out of your comfort zone. I was never a shy person, but being put in a place where i do not really know anyone has made me become shy. i just moved out here and an in a different culture shock kind of place you can say! But that is so awesome that you have gotten to grown up a good part of your life around the beach!
