Sunday, September 30, 2012


Title: Why is it important for proposition 30 to pass?

I am and 18 year old first year college student. I chose a community college that wasn’t the one that everyone from my high school went to, because I wanted a better and different opportunity. I make minimum wage and pay for classes without the help of financial aid. I think I am a credible source for this topic, because my experience in each aspect of lower and higher education is still fresh in my mind. I’ve witnessed the struggle of finding classes that work for me, because I commute and only have so many options. I’ve witnessed the struggle of high school students that no longer see the value in education, because of the lack motivation of everyone from teachers and staff, to parents that know they might never be able to afford the future they wanted there children to have. It’s sad when there’s nobody around to help you, and I'm ecstatic that I was able to get past all of that and go for my dreams anyways.

This is a time in our state and country of incredible economical strife, a time where we are so in debt it only makes sense to start having our priorities straight on where taxpayer money should go.

Proposition 30 is a measure that is supposed to raise taxes in order to guarantee some money for schools, and I think at this time education might be the only thing that can keep our country from falling apart. This generation is important, because we are going to have to pick up all these problems in our future.

It only makes sense to give us an opportunity to get an amazing education, one that is both quality and affordable. We shouldn’t have to worry about paying off student loans in the future; we should be creating our existence by then. We shouldn’t have to worry about the quality of our education getting worse every year just because the school can’t afford to have enough classes for everyone, and has to keep cutting the things that are most important. I feel like there is no better place for taxpayer money to go, there always looking for some way to raise taxes, so why not make sure there is some money set aside for our future.

Intended audience:
Anyone who is going to vote, but doesn’t understand the effects it will have on this generation’s future. I feel like unless you’re going to school right now, or your children are, it’s almost impossible to understand the direction its going.

Prop 30 will:
Prevents cuts to K12 schools, as well as a shotened school year. This is hugly important, because if our younger generations arent getting enough money, the lack of motivation will start even earlier. Teachers tend to lose hope very easily and it can really take a toll on the quality of their teaching. I was lucky enough to go to an amazing elementary school on the east coast, and the difference in california shocked me. I felt significantly less challege when I moved here and it was depressing. I could have done work at that age that was much more intresting and at a much higher level, but because of the lack of funding and programs that dont allow you to go out of a certain range, I felt myself going backward all the way through highschool and I know that we all have so much more potentiall than what we were given.
Prevent a 250 million dollar cut to CSUs. Arent they expensive enough? At this point I cannot see myself being able to afford it at all, and that gets even more real to me when I see this statistic. There are so many impacted majors, overcrowded schools, and people that are forced into online classes when they know they will get a better experience with real people.
I dont think a raise in income tax of only 1-3% will make much of a difference to anybody, and it would be selfish not to realize how bad our generation needs this. Even if the money is somehow used for other purposes, at least we know there is always this chunk for the school system.

1 comment:

  1. You make some excellent points here! Nice work on the RA proposal. Now, do you have some logos to back up these claims? Re-visit your annotated bibliography and look for specific evidence that supports your argument. Or use any facts that you read about in class, or on other student blogs. Be sure to thank your peer if you go to one of their source links. Thank you!
